Insurance to help secure your gains while you move ahead
Other Commercial Cover
We can provide a broader and practical variety of cover - please contact us if you have any questions. Download our business insurance form below:
Please consider this form as a tool to help you define your needs and then come in to talk to us.
Commercial Property
Protection in case of Hurricane, Fire, Burst Pipe etc. for your building, stock, fixtures, computers and other necessities of business. Business Interruption It takes time to recover from a disaster - even an insured disaster - we can insure your income to get you through the recovery period. D & O (Directors and Officers) Any director worth having wants to be covered. Shareholders are quicker to blame the board for loss of stock value than ever before. Public Liability Protection against lawsuits is becoming more vital every year. Public Liability Insurance is crucial to your business security. Professional Indemnity Years of study, years working for others, years to build up your practice - one lawsuit. Professional Indemnity insurance is necessary not because you're not good at your job, meticulous with your paperwork and record keeping or 100% professional but because the client is angry and they want someone to sue. Sometimes called Errors and Omissions or E&O Insurance. |